trial balloon

a statement, program, or the like issued publicly as a means of determining reactions in advance:
The speech was a trial balloon for a new law.
Examples from the web for trial balloon
  • Sprung says the proposal on corporate taxes is a trial balloon.
British Dictionary definitions for trial balloon

trial balloon

a tentative action or statement designed to test public opinion on a controversial matter Compare ballon d'essai
trial balloon in Culture

trial balloon definition

A small campaign or test designed to gauge public response. The term originally referred to a balloon sent up to determine weather conditions: “The speech on free trade that the candidate delivered last month must have been a trial balloon; the audience reacted with hostility, and he has not mentioned the subject since.”

Slang definitions & phrases for trial balloon

trial balloon


A test of how someone will react: set up a trial balloon and got the expected outcome

Idioms and Phrases with trial balloon

trial balloon

An idea or plan advanced tentatively to test public reaction, as in Let's send up a trial balloon for this new program before we commit ourselves. This expression alludes to sending up balloons to test weather conditions. [ c. 1930 ]